My Myrtle Trace Grande Home – From Guest House To Mansion
Imagine waking up in a beautiful home that’s always been completely yours. Imagine not having to share it with anyone else and being able to call it your own. That sounds like the perfect way to start your day, right? This is exactly how Myrtle Chase felt when she bought her historic downtown Kingston, Virginia mansion in 2014. The historic home had sat on the market for over a year with no takers.
What Is Myrtle Chase Grande Home?
The Myrtle Chase Grande Home is a historic five-story building in downtown Kingston, Virginia. The 95,000 square-foot historic structure has been completely transformed into a luxury condo by famed local architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The house, which formerly served as a summer home for the Rockefellers, is now owned by the Metcalf family and is referred to as “the mansion.”
How To Buy A Luxury Condo In Myrtle Trace
To buy a luxury condo in Myrtle Trace Grande you will generally need to be able to show a lot of money. This is usually around the $500,000 mark but can range from $500,000 to as much as $2 million. It’s always good to have a budget in mind when buying a luxury condo. First, you’ll need to do your research and find a luxury condo that meets your specific needs.
Then, you’ll need to find a real estate agent who can help you search. Once you have an agent, it’s time to start looking. You’ll have several different areas to look at when buying a luxury condo. The first and foremost thing you’ll want to look at is the listing price. This is usually the first indicator of how much the condo is worth.
Next, you’ll want to pay particular attention to the square footage listed for the condo. This is usually located next to the kitchen or laundry room. This is a good indicator of how much space is left in the house. You’ll also want to examine the number of bedrooms and bathrooms the unit has. Ideally, you’d like plenty of room in which to store your wedding dress and other sentimental items.
What ToAppear For OnceShopping For A Luxury Abode
When you’re buying a luxury condo, you’ll also want to take into consideration where you plan to live. Ideally, you’d like the unit to be close to both work and school so you can easily commute. Some people also like to live in a luxury condo close to the action so they can be closer to the club scene or the beach if they want to go that route.
To make buying a luxury condo in Myrtle Trace even more exciting, you can also look into getting it furnished. This is something you’ll want to keep in mind as you’re purchasing a luxury condo. It’s not unusual for luxury condo owners to have additional mid- or high-end furniture Once you’ve chosen a unit, you’ll want to examine the appliances.
How Much Will It Cost To Buy A Luxury Condo In Myrtle Trace?
The exact cost to buy a luxury condo in Myrtle Trace will vary depending on several factors such as location and size of the unit. However, a mid-size unit in the heart of downtown Kingston will run you well over $1 million. This is why it’s crucial to do your research before buying a luxury condo. You want to make sure that the unit is worth the price.